Our Rate

  • Direct Service
Dedicated delivery from pick-up to destination. Double the regular rate.
  • Regular Service
Your order is picked up and delivered within approximently 60 - 90 minutes of your call. *
  • Secondary Service
Your order is picked up and delivered within approximently two-three hours of your call. * 15% off regular rates. Must be available and called in by 1:30 PM.
  • Same Day Service
Orders called in before 10:30AM and delivered before 5PM the same day. 25% off our regular rates.
  • Van/Truck Service
2,000 pound capacity. Weight over 100 pounds is .$3.00 per 100 pounds plus a $5.00 surcharge for the request of a van or truck. Same Day Service is not available for vans or trucks.
  • Specialty Vehicles
An additional $5.00 surcharge is added for the request of either an open truck or a full size van or truck. $10.00 surcharge for Rack Trucks, Std or DD only.
  • Dock High Service
$60.00/hr 1 hour minimum. Time begins when truck is ready to be loaded. Time ends when truck is unloaded. Time over one hour will be billed in 15 minute increments. 13,000 pound capacity.
  • Flat Bed Service
$60.00/hr 1 hour minimum. Time begins when truck is ready to be loaded. Time ends when truck is unloaded. Time over one hour will be billed in 15 minute increments. 13,000 pound capacity.
* Depending on time of day, distance and weather
Business Days and Holidays
• Chilimack's standard business days are Monday through Friday 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM, except fot the following national holidays:.
  • New Years Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

• Chilimack's delivers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. While shipments are accepted for delivery 365 days a year, observance of national holidays may cause delivery delays.
Additional charges apply to deliveries between the hours of 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM CST weekdays, * weekends, and * holidays.

See "Saturday Service" ,"Sunday Service" or "Holiday Service" for more information.

Rate Quotations
• Rate and service quotations by Chilimack's' employees and agents are based upon information provided by YOU. Final rates and services, however, may vary based upon the application of these terms and conditions and this Service Guide.
Please note that these rate sheets are for basic reference only and are subject to change without notice.
Chilimack's Union Couriers
9600 South Broadway St. Louis, MO 63125
p. 314-631-9600
f. 314-631-9602
We adjust our gas rates daily based on the current gas prices in
St. Louis, Missouri.

Check current gas prices in St. Louis and the surrounding area at StLouisGasPrices.Com